UCLA Student Loan Services and Collections - Contact Us

Our offices will be closed Friday, March 28, in observation of Cesar Chavez Day.


the location of Loan Services, Financial Wellness,
the Economic Crisis Response Team
and Basic Needs at Strathmore

Strathmore Building
555 Westwood Plaza
Room 106
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Room 106 Lobby Hours:
Monday thru Friday - 9:00AM to 6:00PM

Reception Desk/Lobby Phone: (310) 794-4148

UCLA Map of Strathmore Building

Loan Services (LS)

Strathmore Building
555 Westwood Plaza
Room 106
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday - see our 'Walk-In Lobby Service Hours' posted below

Phone: (310) 825-9864 OR use the 'Loan Services Virtual Lobby' (see below)
Fax: (310) 206-5549

Contact Loan Services for matters concerning:

  • Short-term loan application and disbursement
  • Electronic loan disbursement
  • Paper check loan disbursement
  • Online entrance loan interview/counseling
  • Online exit interview/counseling
  • Campus-based loan document processing
  • Budget counseling

When contacting one of our loan counselors, please include your full name, student UID number, phone number and email address along with your message.

If your last name starts with: PHONE - you can speak with a loan counselor via our virtual lobby eMAIL - via the UCLA Message Center (Recommended):
A - L Rishma Naqvi – To contact, please use the Virtual Lobby Message Rishma
M - Z Karen DeMarr – To contact, please use the Virtual Lobby Message Karen

Incomplete University-based loan documents and/or exit holds: Contact a counselor using one of the methods indicated above. (eMail is recommended.)


Loan Services 'Virtual Lobby' functions in an open setting with a staff member acting as host/receptionist within a public forum. Once admitted into our lobby, the host/receptionist will pre-screen you and answer general questions. After pre-screening is completed, and if determined, you will be assigned to a virtual private office (breakout room) where you can speak one-on-one with a loan counselor.

PLEASE NOTE: Our ZOOM Loan Services Virtual Lobby may appear "open" after cutoff times, but virtual lobby service will only be available during the scheduled times as posted below.

LOAN SERVICES VIRTUAL LOBBY SCHEDULE (all lobby service hours listed are in Pacific Time)

The virtual lobby is open Monday thru Friday, 10:00AM to 12:00PM; and then 1:00PM to 3:30PM.

TO ENTER the LOAN SERVICES VIRTUAL LOBBY click on the following link and follow the sign-in prompts:

Loan Service Office Virtual Lobby ZOOM Link


Our walk-in service hours are Monday thru Friday, 10:00AM to 12:00PM; and then 1:00PM to 4:00PM. (Visitors must adhere to all health safety protocol.)


The Short-Term Loan Program is available Monday thru Friday, 10:00AM to 12:00PM; and then 1:00PM to 4:00PM

​​​​​Prior to making a trip to Loan Services, you are welcome to contact a loan counselors using any of the communication methods listed above to help you determine if you qualify for a short-term loan before applying. If you are communicating via email/voicemail, your request must contain the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your student UID
  • Your phone number
  • Specific reason/immediate need for the loan

If you meet the qualification requirements, you (as the borrower) will need to come to Loan Services to complete paperwork and receive the loan in the form of a paper check. (All requirements, loan amount limits, and repayment responsibilities can be found on the Short-Term Loan Program page.) Please note that no short-term loans are made against Bruin Bill refunds.

If you find yourself with need greater than the loan types the Short-Term Loan Program has to offer, please consider visiting the UCLA Emergency Crisis Response Team (ECRT) website to seek further information on possible resources.

Financial Wellness (FW)

Strathmore Building
555 Westwood Plaza
Room 106
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Financial Wellness Website:

FW General Email:(for general questions)

Questions related to Achieve-Financial Wellness Module:

Financial Wellness provides:

  • Webinars on various financial topics
  • Workshops with a holistic focus
  • Peer-to-peer coaching
  • Insightful budgeting methods and practices
  • Connection to support services


Students can book coaching appointments through the Make an Appointment page located at https://financialwellness.ucla.edu/make-an-appointment. In the event you are a student needing to meet with a coach due to an urgent matter, you can attend 'Virtual Drop-Ins' on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 1:00PM to 3:00PM via Zoom at https://ucla.zoom.us/j/96459428598#success.


Financial Wellness Workshop requests may be submitted through our online request form located at https://financialwellness.ucla.edu/workshops. Please be advised that workshop requests require a three-week prior notice. You are welcome to email financialwellness@saonet.ucla.edu if you have general questions about workshops.

Sara Potter-Gittelson, FW Director
(310) 825-6901

Belginy Molina, Program Coordinator
(310) 206-2423

Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT)

Strathmore Building
555 Westwood Plaza
Room 106
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Email: ecr@saonet.ucla.edu

Message Center Options:
Message Center with MyUCLA login
Message Center without MyUCLA login

Phone: (310) 206-1189 or (310) 794-4146


If you are experiencing a financial crisis beyond your already available financial aid funding and want to request an assessment for additional resources, please visit the Economic Crisis Response Team website for further instructions and information. On the site page you can submit a Self-Assessment Intake Form.

Please note our response may be delayed during this time; however, one of our Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT) members will respond to you as quickly as possible

Basic Needs at Strathmore (BN@Strath)

Strathmore Building
555 Westwood Plaza
Room 106
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Basic Needs at Strathmore offers students personal care and well-being support in partnership with other units and campus departments.

Monday thru Friday, 9:00AM to 6:00PM (closed on weekends and campus holidays)


the location of Debt Management Services (DMS)
(formerly Collections)

Murphy Hall
405 Hilgard Avenue
Room A227
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1423
Phone: (310) 794-2812
Fax: (310) 794-2826

campus map with Murphy Hall pinned

Contact Debt Management Services for matters concerning:

  • Delinquent campus-based student loans: Perkins, Regents, Dream, Health Profession, and Nursing loans
  • Clearing campus-based debts, including short-term loans (SD, SC, and SE holds)
  • Promissory note clarification
  • Campus-based loan deferment, forbearance, or cancellation
  • Loan counseling regarding Federal student loans
  • Loan consolidation and rehabilitation information

Counselor Emails:

If your last name starts with: Counselor Email
A - Gz Pooya Khodadadi pkhodadadi@saonet.ucla.edu
H - On Joseph Meyers jmeyers@saonet.ucla.edu
Oo - Zz Lily Ball lball@saonet.ucla.edu

For inquiries concerning CalSWEC or LRAP, contact Pooya Khodadadi.

Monday & Thursday

Our office is available from 9:00AM to 4:00PM via email, the Message Center (choose Debt Management Services for the topic), and designated Zoom hours.

Zoom Hours
9:00AM - 11:00AM
2:00PM - 4:00 PM
Click here to join
Join by phone: (213) 338-8477
Meeting ID: 976 4232 4395

Tuesdays we can be reached via email or the Message Center.

Wednesday & Friday

Our office is open 9:00AM to 4:00PM for in-person services, and designated phone hours. You can also reach us via e-mail or the Message Center (choose Debt Management Services for the topic).

Phone Hours
9:00AM - 11:00AM
2:00PM - 4:00 PM
(310) 794-2812
Fax: (310) 794-2826