If you are a UCLA student or UCLA UNEX student who while attending has borrowed from:
- a non-campus-based student loan program and/or
- a campus-based student loan program
AND if you are a UCLA student or UCLA UNEX student who within or at the end of the current term will:
- graduate/separate
- enroll below half-time (under 6 units for undergraduates; under 4 units for graduates)
- take a leave of absence or cease enrollment
Federal regulations and UCLA require that you complete the UCLA Exit Interview/Counseling Process.
Failure to meet exit requirements will result in a hold on your records. An exit hold will prevent access to grades, diploma and transcripts. Re-enrollment and use of various campus services may also be affected.
Before you Begin
Please make certain you have available the following:
- Your FSA ID (If FSA ID unavailable/lost, go to https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/sign-in/landing and request new/duplicate one.)
- Your UCLA Logon ID
- Home and work contact information for your spouse (if applicable)
- Home and work contact information for your parents/guardians
- Home and work contact information for 3 references
(The references cannot be students, or individuals living at the same address with you, your parents/guardians or each other. You may not use your parent/guardian as a reference. It is permitted to list as references siblings who are over 21 years of age and living on their own.) - Computer capable of running the latest versions of either:
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Ability to temporarily disable any pop-up blocking software
If you do not know the types of loans you have borrowed, visit MyLoanData here to determine your borrowing history using MyLoanData.
Special message to all exiting UCLA students: Please update your contact information on MyUCLA before proceeding with this exit interview/counseling process.
Special message to all exiting UNEX students: Please update your mailing address by going to the UNEX website at https://www.uclaextension.edu/ and log in to your account via the UNEX 'Student Portal’. Update your profile before proceeding with this exit interview/counseling process.
To Proceed
When the record system indicates it is time for you to exit, you will receive an email notification from UCLA Loan Services inviting you to access the online exit process. If you have received the notification, please access the online exit process here, to sign in using your UCLA logon and begin.
Please note that upon submission of a completed exit, it will take a minimum of three (3) business days for the completion to update in the UCLA record system.