UCLA Student Loan Services and Collections - About Us

Loan Services

Loan Services (LS) is responsible for administering long-term educational loans, such as Perkins, Health Professions, and Direct Loans; GPLS and PLUS; as well as private auxiliary loans. We provide loan documents to students accepting campus-based loan offers, such as University/Regents Loans.

Most loans are disbursed by electronic fund transfer (EFT). EFT amounts deposit directly into student’s Bruin Bill. Loan Services requests and reconciles these electronic fund transfers; returns all unused or ineligible funds, whether paper or electronic, to lenders when required by loan program guidelines.

Our unit provides online Debt Management - Entrance Counseling for all first-time UCLA borrowers that highlight the borrower and lender rights and obligations. We are available to help students with budgeting issues. Loan Services also offers interest-free short-term loans to qualifying, currently registered students with urgent financial need. Exit statements and instructional materials are prepared for all campus-based loan borrowers who drop below half-time status or leave UCLA.

In short, Loan Services takes care of matters concerning:

  • Electronic loan disbursement
  • Paper check loan disbursement
  • Debt Management - online entrance loan counseling
  • Exit packaging and online exit loan counseling/interview
  • Campus-based loan document processing
  • Short-term loans
  • Budget counseling

Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness (FW) strives to empower all Bruins to confidently navigate their finances in a way that supports their overall well-being. This program fosters financial literacy skills through workshops, coaching and online educational efforts.

Additionally, its aim is to encourage students to know who, when and why to ask for help.

Overall, the program centralizes and advocates for student economic support services on campus. Visit the Financial Wellness Program website at https://www.financialwellness.ucla.edu/ for further information.

In short, Financial Wellness provides:

  • Webinars on various financial topics
  • Workshops with a holistic focus
  • Peer-to-peer coaching
  • Insightful budgeting methods and practices
  • Connection to support services

Basic Needs at Strathmore

Basic Needs at Strathmore, located in the Strathmore Building, room 106, offers students personal care and well-being support in partnership with various other units and campus departments. The FELSS units of Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT), Financial Wellness (FW), and Loan Services (LS) also reside at the same location, with each providing financial education-related services and programs, meal support services, loan counseling, economic crisis support, short-term loans, personal care support and referrals accordingly, alongside BN@Strath services and study/relaxation space.

Economic Crisis Response

Economic Crisis Response (ECR) provides support and guidance to enrolled UCLA students who have self-identified or are identified by UCLA faculty/staff as experiencing a financial crisis that impacts their academic success at UCLA. ECR strives to efficiently, compassionately and discreetly provide a seamless and individualized response to UCLA students in extraordinary financial crisis as well as develop proposals for actions to examine, and revise when appropriate, University policies and office protocols in order to improve students' ability to manage their financial situations and avoid economic crisis.

In short, Economic Crisis Response provides enrolled UCLA students in crisis support with:

  • Emergency housing
  • Emergency short-term loans
  • Emergency grants
  • Meal vouchers
  • Support with navigating campus resources

For those who are experiencing a financial crisis beyond already available financial aid resources and want to request an assessment of possible resources to assist with their needs, contact the ECR website at https://studentincrisis.ucla.edu/economic-crisis-response for further instructions and information. An ECR team member will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Debt Management Services

Debt Management Services, formerly the Collections Office, provides counselors to assist students in understanding and managing their campus-based student loans throughout repayment.

Students who have entered repayment on their student loans can contact their counselor at Debt Management Services to discuss deferments, consolidations, repayment plans and any other issues pertaining to Perkins Loans, Regents Loans, and Health Professions or Nursing Loans.

With extensive experience and contacts in the student loan area, counselors are also able to provide general guidance to borrowers of lender-based loans such as Stafford/FFEL and Direct Loans.

In addition to the administration of UCLA’s campus-based long-term loans, the office collects defaulted debts on the behalf of various campus departments and creditors. If your account has been referred to our office, we will work with you on mutually acceptable repayment terms to resolve your obligations.

Counselors are assigned their accounts alphabetically, based the first letter of the account holder's last name. You may e-mail at any time; your counselor will be glad to respond to your inquiries and assist you.

In short, Debt Management Services takes care of matters concerning:

  • Campus-based student loan repayment
  • Temporary alternative payment plans
  • Deferments
  • Cancellations
  • Debt management counseling
  • Resolution of delinquencies
  • Delinquent long- and short-term loan recovery
  • Campus delinquent debt recovery
  • Exit follow-up questions